Redeem Promo Code Instructions

(Scroll down for Google Play Store instructions)

Be sure to redeem your code BEFORE you download the app. The app will automatically begin to download and install after you have redeemed the promo code.

For Apple App Store Promo Codes

Open the App Store

Tap the App Store icon on your desktop to open the App Store.

Open the App Store

Open the App Store

Tap Profile Button

Locate and tap your profile icon in the top right of the screen.

Tap your profile button

Profile Button

Tap Redeem Button

Locate and tap the "Redeem Gift Card or Code" Button.

Tap Redeem Button

Tap Redeem Button

Scan or Enter Code

Tap the camera button to open the camera and scan in the code, or enter manually.

If the promo code is valid the app should automatically begin to download and install.

To report any problems please use the feedback form at the foot of this page.

Scan or Enter Code

Scan or Enter Code

Be sure to redeem your code BEFORE you download the app. The app will automatically begin to download and install after you have redeemed the promo code.

For Google Play Store Promo Codes

Open the Play Store

From your desktop open the Play Store.

Open the Play Store

Open the Play Store

Tap your Profile Button

Locate and tap your profile icon in the top right of the screen.

Tap your Profile Button (Top Right)

Tap your Profile Icon

Tap offers and notifications

Tap offers and notifications

Tap Offers & Notifications

Tap Offers & Notifications

Tap redeem promo code

Click on "Offers tab"

Tap redeem promotions

Tap Redeem Promo Codes

Tap Redeem Promotions

Scan or enter code

To redeem promo code you can either enter it manually or tap the "Scan gift card" button to open the camera and scan it in. (See next image)

When complete tap the "redeem" button.

Scan or enter code

Scan or enter code

Scan Gift Card

Align the code in the box and tap the scan button (Red arrow)

Code will be automatically entered. (See previous image)

When complete tap the "redeem" button.

Scan Gift Card

Scan Gift Card

Download from the App Store or Google Play now and take full advantage of the free 7 day trial offer

Plus get two months free with an annual subscription of just $24.99 or choose the monthly option of $2.49


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